Your Healing Journey Starts Here.

Hi! I’m Linda, LPC

Addressing both the psychological and physiological aspects of trauma, depression, and anxiety is my expertise.

I’m Linda, a Licensed Professional Counselor and Registered Nurse, uniquely qualified to integrate medical knowledge into the understanding of mental well-being, particularly focusing on the physical and nervous system components.

We’ll Work Together To Speed Up Your Recovery.

My extensive experience has deepened my insight into trauma and PTSD treatment, particularly for medical professionals and first responders. Employing an integrative approach, I utilize modalities to include  EMDR, Attachment Theory, Polyvagal Theory, Interpersonal Neurobiology, CBT, Cognitive Processing Therapy,  and other mind-body wellness strategies. Click on the underlined words to learn more about that modality.

Having personally experienced the profound impact of grief and loss when my mother passed away three years ago, I understand the disorientation and heartbreak that follows. It felt like the world had stopped, and I grappled with the challenge of reconstructing my reality. I recognize that grief is a universal aspect of the human condition. I also know its effects can be overwhelming. I empathize with the pain you’re going through and would be honored to assist you in navigating through it.

My clients describe me as warm, relatable, and genuine.

Call for a free consultation. 

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Hi! I’m Linda.

Having worked as a nurse for 25 years, I understand what it’s like to have difficulty processing traumatic experiences due to living and working in high-pressure environments. I have seen up close just how effective intensive therapy can be, and I want to share this with you to help you find the peace of mind you’re looking for.

We’ll Work Together To Speed Up Your Recovery.

My intensive therapy model can be customized according to your needs and lifestyle. I will help you make sense of your life experiences so you can gain clarity of thought, self-awareness, and a general sense of relief in just a few days. It would be an honor to help you make sense of where you are, and how you got here and help you regain a zest for living again!

I look forward to meeting you!

I look forward to getting to know the unique individual you are, and not just your list of symptoms. Together, we’ll create a custom treatment plan that prioritizes your recovery.

Training and Certifications

“The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it. It's our fear of the dark that casts our joy into the shadows.”

– Brené Brown

Client Feedback

Linda Barnard’s knowledge and methods have been a game changer. I recognize I have a lot of work yet to do. The speed and depth of progress with Linda’s guidance have been tangible. I take information one week and come back with success stories of how I applied it the next week. I never thought I could make so many step changes at my age.

Her mannerisms and demeanor are calming and build trust. Her methods use proven and accessible data. I can easily search online to reinforce my understanding each week. She has provided many sources and books as concrete examples of the data backing the methods. I have found her to be open, honest, and trustworthy.

The most significant difference that I see in working with Linda vs others in the past is that she take the time to explain the “why” behind the method of healing. Understanding more about the mind and body connection has made a huge difference in my receptiveness to the new information.

I was so unhappy and lost and emotionally crippled. I’ve made progress to where I have more hope. I still make mis-steps, but now I can accept and curiously investigate what I tell myself internally about them. The inner critic/saboteur has noticeably lost ground.

Kimberly Westbrook

Book an appointment today.

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