Individual Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

What Exactly is Ketamine?

Before getting an individual or group Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) session, you should know that ketamine, a widely used and well-understood medication, is currently being prescribed off-label to address various conditions such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), addiction, pain, and other common health issues.

Ketamine aids in boosting neuroplasticity, facilitating the repair of damaged synapses—or neural connections—in the brain. These connections often suffer from deterioration over time due to prolonged stress and depression. Consequently, ketamine induces a shift in the brain, making it more adaptable and receptive. This shift allows individuals to disrupt old, repetitive thought patterns, enhance cognitive flexibility, and become more receptive to new experiences and personal growth.

What does KAP Therapy look like?

Sessions extend over 2 hours, incorporating treatment, observation, and psychotherapeutic integration

A psychotherapist remains present throughout, supported by an MD and RN for medical oversight and dosage administration.

Ketamine can be delivered via intravenous or intramuscular routes

Somatic therapy, EMDR, and psychotherapy are used to integrate the experience

The induction phase is typically 3-6 sessions spanning 6 weeks.

This approach is beneficial for individuals grappling with anxiety, depression, or entrenched patterns of thoughts or behaviors that are limiting

Individual Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

We provide a controlled, professional setting for Individual Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy.

It is designed to harness the psychological insights that ketamine can provoke when used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan crafted by experienced therapists.

KAP sessions are conducted with the utmost care, incorporating the dissociative properties of ketamine to encourage exploration and discussion of thoughts and feelings that may be inaccessible under normal circumstances.

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Assessment and Eligibility for Ketamine Treatment

Your eligibility for ketamine assisted psychotherapy treatment will be assessed during your initial visit to ensure medical safety and appropriateness. This assessment includes:

Additionally, we will consider ketamine’s interactions with other medications.

Certain conditions may preclude eligibility for ketamine treatment, such as:

While ketamine is generally safe, precautions are taken to mitigate potential risks, including increased blood pressure, respiratory issues, and allergic reactions.

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Individual Sessions

Our KAP sessions are designed to provide a safe and supportive environment for therapeutic exploration. Each session includes:

Preparation Phase

Before the ketamine administration, you'll engage in preparatory discussions with your therapist to set intentions and create a comfortable therapeutic environment.

Ketamine Administration

Ketamine is administered in a controlled setting. You will be monitored throughout the session to ensure safety and comfort.

Therapeutic Exploration

During the ketamine experience, your therapist will guide you through the process, helping you navigate the dissociative state and facilitating therapeutic insights.

Integration Phase

Post-ketamine, you will participate in integration sessions to process the experience and apply the insights gained into your daily life.

Our experienced team is dedicated to supporting you through each phase of the process, ensuring a holistic and personalized approach to your mental health treatment.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

Temporary Adverse Effects:

Ketamine administration can result in temporary side effects like impaired balance, blurred vision, nausea, and increased blood pressure. To manage these effects, we provide:

  • Anti-nausea medication
  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • Sedatives for agitation or anxiety

Rare but Serious Risks:

Though rare, ketamine may cause seizures, exacerbate psychotic symptoms, or lead to temporary cognitive distortions. Other possible effects include changes in sensory perception, motor function, and mental clarity. These effects are typically transient and manageable within therapy sessions.

Addressing Ketamine Abuse Potential and Long-Term Effects

Though ketamine can be associated with misuse and long-term risks such as dependency and while ketamine can be associated with misuse and long-term risks such as dependency and cognitive impairments, our approach emphasizes safety and mitigating these concerns within a controlled clinical environment.

We prioritize the well-being of our clients through meticulous measures, including:

Careful Dosing

Precision in dosing to optimize therapeutic benefits while minimizing potential risks.

Stringent Monitoring

Continuous monitoring of client response throughout sessions to promptly address any adverse effects and ensure a safe experience.

Thorough Post-Session Debriefs

Comprehensive debriefing sessions following ketamine-assisted psychotherapy sessions to enhance understanding and retention of therapeutic gains. These discussions provide a supportive space for clients to reflect on their experiences and integrate insights gained during treatment.

We strive to foster a secure and supportive environment where clients can explore the transformative potential of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy with confidence and peace of mind.
Let’s determine if Individual Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy is the right choice for your mental health journey.